Vader and Padme Lake Dress Updates

Next week I’m ordering the fabric for my new Padme Lake dress. This next weekend is dedicated to Vader.
Still working on that other project.

The next two weeks I’m going to attempt to get some new pictures taken. Namely of my Leia costumes, because for ALL of my Leia costumes (except ceremonial, which I don’t really count) I don’t have many pictures of. I need to do ANH Leia since I’ve finally started getting the buns the right size, and since I got the new gun… rebel Leia because I’ve only got the handful of ones from DCon… Slave Leia because most of my good pictures are other peoples’, and Cloud City because I’ve only got ONE from last time we took pics. May also throw in new pics of Mara Jade, even though I’ve got a ton of those.

I’m going to try to set up a schedule so I can actually get these things done!


  • sgc_cosplay

    nice dolls

    I tried modding a doll base to make a
    Ocha Passiflora like doll.(1st time working with GIMP)
    Sorry for lack of clothes,I’m not as good at making dolls as you.

    imagine it standing on a shell like “The Birth of Venus – Botticelli” (I googled it)